Amerex and the Environment

Amerex Environmental Stewardship
Amerex constantly strive to achieve the highest level of environmental responsibility. Our commitment to environmental excellence and minimal environmental impact revolve around these key items:
Environmental Compliance – Amerex complies with all applicable Federal, State and local environmental laws.
Environmentally Responsible Facilities Operations – Amerex is focused on improvements in our facilities to lessen the environmental impact of our operations. Environmental improvements and energy efficiency reviews are factored into all new and renovation projects.
Community Involvement – Amerex is a key partner in environmental organizations that work to improve the environment in our community.
Pollution Prevention – Amerex strives to minimize release of pollutants into the environment by reducing pollutants at the source, reuse and recycling of process materials such as lubricants, and by extensive use of recycling programs throughout our operations.
Reduction in Energy Use – Amerex implements programs to reduce energy consumption in our facilities through the use of energy efficient lighting and equipment.
Green Technology – Amerex is fully committed to the development of new technologies that replace persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic materials from our products, without sacrificing product performance or suitability for use.
Examples of recent environmental improvements and environmental company awards within Amerex include:
- Replacement of all lighting within the Trussville, Alabama operations with low energy consumption LED smart lighting fixtures and controls.
- The conversion of all wet paint operations in the Amerex Trussville operations to dry powder coat operations, eliminating the release of volatile organic compounds from its painting processes.
Amerex is committed to the goals of quality, service and safety and environmental responsibility, and to constantly innovate and deliver new technologies that provide unequaled protection of property and the lowest environmental impact.
As a McWane Company, Amerex is committed to manufacturing superior products while at the same time protecting and preserving the Earth’s natural resources.